Petri Tuomela, Confetti

Petri Tuomela, Confetti

"Multichannel and brand co-operation drives webshop growth" (in Finnish)

The growth of Confetti business is based on an operating model which aims to constantly renew the marketing and logistic processes complemented by multichannel-thinking that is extended to cover also the co-operation with partners. Furthermore, part of the growth comes from co-operation with brands and content marketing has been integrated basically as part of everything that is done. These Confetti ways of marketing are shared by Tuomela in his presentation. Many of the them are fairly new and not being used in Finland. Would they benefit your business?

Petri Tuomela (B.Sc, MBA) is a CEO and owner of Confetti Oy which was established in 2006. Petri has a long experience of developing and marketing international industrial business.

Confetti is a leading party and baking equipment multichannel import company and franchise chain in Finland with selection of around 3000 products. Companys target during the next few years is to extend multichannel operations, streamline procurement logistics and internationalization.

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